Human Dimensions

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Blog By Any Other Name

The hardest thing about keeping a blog is finding ample time to keep it updated. Today I made an interesting observation about BLOGS - in a love/hate kind of fashion.

  1. Blogs are great tools for people with Attention Deficit Disorder. There is a long list of people that are glad that I have blogs - the person in the office next to me, the occasional elevator passenger (that I don't know but talk to on a regular basis), my supervisor, my supervisor's supervisor, my next door neighbor (on the north side - as I don't talk to the people on the south side). With the blog to spew out my commentary, many of the above mentioned people have had a more peaceful existence.

    2. Blogs are terrible for people with Attention Deficit Disorder. For all of the times that I could start an entry I lose the ability to complete a balanced and pleasant entry. The effort that it takes to add a picture or change formatting in addition to "Mr. Mullay's Ten Rules of Writing A Good Paper " sticking in my head since college. It can stress you out. This has bummed me out.

Honestly, I am often inspired and usually tired.
I should probably take a tip from Amandicon She's got this whole blog thing down to a great science. I can be at the end of my last nerve and then wander off to Ms. A's blog and before you know it - Bang: milk shooting out my nose! You wouldn't think that a summary of a trip to the Farmer's Market or an observation of the Hamburger Helper's Helping hand having only four fingers would be that interesting - but she does it. In fact, she does it in a sort of Tina Fey crossed with Stephen Colbert way.

A blog should be like a favorite TV show. The kind of thing that you know is on at a specific time and you want to tune-in to see the next episode. The kind of thing that you can catch up on by watching re-runs and then talk your friends into seeing so they can get hooked. The kind of thing that motivates Target to start a line of clothing and plastic cups and dishes with.

With all of the blogging going on across the world today, I figure there must be 4, 345, 301 new entries today (mine put it just over that 300). I would be willing to bet that there are only 22 of them worth reading.

There; I posted an entry - now back to building the perfect web domain.

p.s. (or PowerPoint Ms. A)


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    By Blogger alex, at 6:14 PM  

  • Awww.....

    Everyone goes through phases (there were months where I was posting maybe once?) where it's more difficult than usual to keep up a blog - could be because you're swamped at work, or just bored with the whole idea.

    I've recently started subscribing to the KISS principle when it comes to amandicon. Something small, something quick you know? Like my grocery list, or comparing "Revenge of the Nerds" to the MS Office products. I bet you see something that cracks you up at least once a day?

    By Blogger swatymyers, at 3:40 PM  

  • Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:58 PM  

  • Seriously, where are you these days? :)

    By Blogger swatymyers, at 9:11 AM  

  • Very good points. If anything I have learned that consistency is key to a great blog. Thanks for your comments! I look forward to more postings by you!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:03 AM  

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